Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 2, Day 11...

In our second week of campaigning, we saw Georges St. Pierre's momentum toward a Lou Marsh trophy continue to grow.

On Wednesday, we published Matt Padanyi's article on the Muddied History of the Lou Marsh Trophy. It created a small buzz on Facebook and Twitter. If you haven't read it yet, you should get on that, it's a good read.

Later that same day, I re-capped an article by Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Daily that indicated that mixed martial arts' popularity was at an all time high following UFC 100, where Georges St. Pierre sucessfully defended his welterweight title.

Those two articles created enough interest to get us up to 106 members in our GSP for Lou Marsh Facebook group, and 60 signatures on our petition. Steady progress.

We've got some exciting interviews and articles coming up, so please check back here regularly.

To stay in the loop we recommend that you join the Facebook group, and, most importantly, please sign the petition to have GSP named Canada's top athlete in 2009!